Parent Engagement Grants Program

Forms & Procedures

Forms and Procedures

The timeline is now available for the third and final round of this program, which will be assessed over the second half of 2024.

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Application and Assessment

The ACTBGA is required by the ACT Government to assess the eligibility of all applications received against agreed guidelines.

As funds are limited, it is expected that applicants will aim to contribute towards the cost of the proposed project to their maximum financial capacity.  The previous maximum grant of $10,638 remains a good indicator of a reasonable grant request, with higher grant requests considered depending on the number of applications received in the round.

In the event that the 2024 application round is over-subscribed, it will be necessary to prioritise projects through a competitive project ranking process based on the assessment criteria detailed below. Applicants should therefore be aware that funding is not guaranteed.

Eligible projects will be considered for funding, based on the following:

  • Grant Intent – Project demonstrates a recognised need within the organisation.
  • Objectives – Project demonstrates an innovative and sustainable way to increase parent association business acumen and/or enhance parent engagement, and incorporates an evidence informed approach.
  • Action Plan – Applicant demonstrates capacity to deliver the project within budget and timeframes, identifying key milestones.
  • Evaluation – Applicant demonstrates consideration of quantitative and qualitative evidence of improved business acumen and/or parent engagement.

When considering or completing an application for grant funding under this program, prospective applicants should refer to the documents below for information on the program, application and assessment process.

  • Information to Assist Applicants: View PDF

Should an independent school or Catholic Education affiliated parent association decide to apply for a parent engagement grant, they are invited to lodge an application outlining the need and business case for the proposed project.

Previous grant recipients under this program are also eligible and encouraged to apply in the round, noting that if the round is over-subscribed then priority will be given to new applicants that have not received funding in past rounds.

A copy of the application form and submission details can be requested from the ACTBGA office by emailing

The ACTBGA will recommend to the ACT Education Directorate which projects are to be funded. It is expected that endorsement of funding recommendations for PEP projects will be announced by the Minister for Education and Youth Affairs in January-February 2025, and most projects scheduled to commence in the first half of 2025.

The directorate will generate a Deed of Grant agreement between the successful recipient and ACT Government, which will require signing by the relevant legal entity for the recipient to accept the conditions of the grant.  This agreement is then executed upon signing by the directorate.  The ACTBGA will facilitate this process and recipients must not sign a contract or commence the project until the Deed of Grant has been fully executed.

A recipient of grant funding under PEP must adhere to particular administrative requirements when undertaking their projects, in accordance with the Deed of Grant and relevant ACTBGA procedures.

Comprehensive checklists are published by the ACTBGA to guide a recipient through administrative processes and forms that are required on projects successful for PEP funding.

  • Successful Grant Application Checklist (PEP):  please check back later for this document

Projects must not commence until the the Deed of Grant has been fully executed and a copy returned to the recipient.

When a grant has been approved in accordance with the recipient’s submitted application forms, the grant recipient must seek ACTBGA approval prior to any changes to the project in respect of:

  • Project Dates (Commencement and Completion)
  • Total Project Cost
  • Scope of Works

Approval must be sought through the submission of a Variation Request Form.

  • Variation Request Form and Procedure: View DOC

Recieving Parent Engagement Grant Payments

Milestone 1 grant payments are made upon execution of the Deed of Grant between the grant recipient and the ACT Government.

Project Acquittal

Grant recipients must expend the funds within the timeframes nominated in the Deed of Grant, this is normally 12 months from receipt of funds or at the completion of the activity, whichever is sooner.

The grant recipient must organise to complete and submit the Final Acquittal Form and Certificate of Project Completion within 30 days of the completion of the grant activity, or by the date specified in the Deed of Grant.

Please note: any unexpended funds are to be returned at the time of acquitting the grant.

A grant recipient must adhere to the Deed of Grant regarding recognition of ACT Government assistance.

In relation to projects funded under PEP, a grant recipient and its affiliated school or system must acknowledge the support of the ACT Government in any public event, media release, media coverage and all forms of documentation (including brochures and newsletters) relating to the project.