From 2024, ACTBGA combined the application and assessment process of the Australian Government’s Capital Grants Program (CGP) and ACT Government’s Better Schools for Our Kids (BSK), to be held yearly between the period November to August.
Application and Assessment
When considering or completing an application for grant funding, prospective applicants should refer to the documents below for information on the programs, application and assessment process.
- Information to Assist Applicants: View PDF
- Program Procedures (CGP): View PDF
- Program Procedures (BSK): View PDF
- ACTBGA Quantity Surveyor Project Cost Template: View XLSX
Standard Costs
- Benchmark Square Metre Rates: View PDF
Capacity to Contribute (CTC)
- CTC Scores for Non-Government Schools: View XLSX
- Further information on CTC scores can be found on the Department of Education website here.
Should an independent school or the Catholic Education Office decide to apply for a capital grant, they are invited to lodge a detailed application outlining the proposed capital project and the circumstances of the school.
Online application login details to complete an application may be requested from the ACTBGA office by emailing
By the last working day of September each year, the ACTBGA will recommend to the ACT Education Directorate which projects are to be funded in the following year. It is expected that endorsement of funding recommendations for BSK projects will be announced by the Minister for Education and Youth Affairs in November or December of each year, and most projects are scheduled to commence in the following year.
The directorate will generate a Deed of Grant agreement between the successful recipient and ACT Government, which will require signing by the school or system to accept the conditions of the grant and is executed upon signing by the directorate. The ACTBGA will facilitate this process between the parties.
A school or system that has been approved for grant funding under BSK must adhere to particular administrative requirements when undertaking their projects, in accordance with the Deed of Grant and relevant ACTBGA procedures.
Comprehensive checklists are linked below to guide the recipient school or system through administrative processes and forms that are required on projects successful for BSK funding, or a combination of both BSK and CGP funding.
New procedures apply to grants approved from the 2024 funding year onwards.
- Successful Grant Application Checklist (BSK): View PDF (pre-2024) and View PDF (New)
- Successful Grant Application Checklist (Combined BSK & CGP): View PDF (pre-2024) and View PDF (New)
Before a project can commence, tenders must be sought and submitted to the ACTBGA for review and final approval.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances and it is agreed otherwise in writing with the ACTBGA, a school or system will be required to undertake a competitive tender process in accordance with the ACTBGA Tender Procedure.
Schools should have regard to the Capital Grant Project Procurement Processes information document when deciding on the most appropriate procurement method for their project. Prior to calling for tenders, a school or system should contact the ACTBGA to discuss the tender and project delivery methods they are considering, if this differs from the grant application. Should there be compelling reasons to use a form of procurement other than a lump sum tender and standard construction contract, it will be necessary to discuss and seek formal ACTBGA approval for this alternative procurement method prior to proceeding.
Contracts should not be signed and no work can commence until the the Deed of Grant has been fully executed, and the ACTBGA has reviewed and provided written final approval of the tender process that has been undertaken.
New procedures apply to grants approved from the 2024 funding year onwards.
- Capital Grant Project Procurement Processes: View PDF
- Tender Procedure: View PDF
- Results of Tender Form: View DOCX
- Construction Management Form: View DOCX
- Construction Management Trade Package Tender Results: View DOCX
- Construction Management Trade Package Tender Tracking: View XLSX
- National Construction Code 2022: View LINK
When a grant has been approved in accordance with the recipient’s submitted application forms, the school or system must seek ACTBGA approval prior to any changes to the project in respect of:
- Milestone Dates (Commencement, Midpoint, Completion, Final Acquittal)
- Total Project Cost
- Scope of Works
Approval must be sought through the submission of a Variation Request Form.
- Variation Request Form: View DOCX
Milestone 1 grant payments are made upon execution of the Deed of Grant between the school or system and the ACT Government.
To claim subsequent grant payments over the course of the project, a school or system must complete the relevant claim form below and submit to the ACTBGA, along with the required documentation specified in the form.
New procedures apply to grants approved from the 2024 funding year onwards.
- Procedure for Claiming Payments: View PDF (pre-2024) and View PDF (New)
- Capital Grant Progressive Expenditure Statement (BSK): View XLSX (New)
- Capital Grant Progressive Expenditure Statement (Combined BSK & CGP): View XLSX (New)
- Progress Report: View DOCX (New)
- Milestone 2 – Commencement of Capital Works: View DOCX (pre-2024)
- Milestone 3 – Midpoint Construction/Upgrade: View DOCX (pre-2024)
- Milestone 4 – Practical Completion: View DOCX (pre-2024)
Once a project has reached practical completion and the school or system has obtained and paid all invoices receivable on the project, the final milestone claim can be submitted.
- Milestone 5 – Final Acquittal: View DOCX (pre-2024)
[for post-2024 projects, the milestone 5 claim is now included in the new Progressive Expenditure Statement (PES) spreadsheet]
The school or system must organise for an independent accountant to complete the Accountant’s Certificate within three (3) months of receiving the final payment. Once this has been received by the ACTBGA, the project can be acquitted.
- Accountant Certificate: View DOCX (New)
A recipient school or system must adhere to the Deed of Grant regarding recognition of ACT Government assistance.
For projects funded under BSK, a school or system must acknowledge the support of the ACT Government in any public event, media release, media coverage and all forms of documentation (including brochures and newsletters) relating to the project.
BSK Program Projects
Schools are not required to hold an official project opening ceremony under the BSK program. In the event that the school does wish to hold an official opening, the ACT Government Minister for Education may be invited to attend by contacting the directorate liaison office inbox.
A building plaque must be installed on all completed projects acknowledging the contribution of the ACT Government.
Jointly Funded Projects
For projects jointly funded by the ACT and Australian governments, schools should be aware of the CGP requirements to hold an official opening ceremony, and contact the school openings inbox at least two months in advance of the planned opening with a minimum of three possible date options that do not coincide with Parliamentary sitting days.
The recipient school or system will be required to submit quarterly reporting to the ACTBGA in February, May, August and November, providing an update on the project status and documentation due.
The ACTBGA will email reporting templates required for completion.